November 27, 2013

Is Porn Art?

Before I even try to dig into this question, let me provide you with the answer that I know I’ll be coming up with at the end: I don’t know.

Now that I’ve taken the mystery out of it, let me start thinking about the topic. (No, of COURSE I didn’t think about it ahead of time! As usual I’m going to just start typing and see what happens.)

I was trying to think of things to write about for the blog and one of the partially formed ideas floating around in my head was the fact that sometimes when I’m surfing porn I come across pictures or videos that just blow me away. There are lots of sexy pictures, obviously, that’s why I spend so much time looking at them, but sometimes there are ones that are just… so much more. They don’t always, literally, take my breath away, but sometimes the combination of the perfect girl (with the perfect body), wearing the perfect outfit (or not), being captured by the perfect camera at the perfect angle in the perfect lighting… sometimes it all just comes together in a sublime way that touches me more than porn usually does.

November 17, 2013


There are some statistics that bug me. Ones that people repeat, almost mindlessly, without ever stopping to think about them. Want an example? How about 10%?

November 10, 2013


Today we’re dipping into the Impenitent Porn Lover mailbag and answering some reader mail. Oh look, here’s a good one:
Dear Thinking Inside Your Box:

Remember when you wrote about how porn impacts our view of women? Or your post on feminism? Or that weird post you wrote about control groups and carrots? What would happen if you were to combine those together into one post?

Sincerely yours,
Thinking Inside Your Box Pretending to be a Reader
An excellent question, astute reader! It would probably look something like this:

I’ve never mentioned what type of work I do (and doubt I ever will), but it’s one of those twenty-first century jobs enabled by the computerized revolution, where people can make shitloads of money without hardly even trying and kids in their early twenties suddenly have nearly limitless expense accounts at their disposal. Not to toot my own horn, but it’s also a job I’m pretty fucking good at.