October 20, 2023


 I stopped blogging here almost a decade ago, and just let the blog gather dust. I was on Tumblr for a while, then some other sites. In the interim, half the images I’d included here had all disappeared from the internet, so I had a whole site full of broken images and the ones that were left were ending up being more distracting than anything. 

However, there were some posts I still liked. And then I got an idea for writing something that was too long for the “microblogging” sites I was on, and figured this was the best spot – if I gave it a bit of polish.

So I went through the blog and:

  • Deleted the majority of images
  • Un-published the posts that were nothing but images
I did a bit of light editing, as well, fixed typos and that kind of thing, but for the most part I left all of the content (for remaining posts) alone. Which was definitely a choice, because my opinion on a number of things has changed drastically since I used to maintain this blog! There are opinions on here on which I’ve done a complete 180; the younger me would definitely judge the current me harshly. The current me, however, doesn’t care.