February 03, 2017

New Blog (??)

So... I'm thinking of starting a new blog. I've got a bunch of content stored up from the past year, and am thinking about starting some time soon.

The only thing holding me back? I wrote all of the content in Google Docs, and I used a lot of footnotes as I went. It became part of my writing style. So... I'm trying to figure out the best way to put footnotes into my new blog. 😊 I'd really like to find a way to have the footnotes appear in a little hover box, when you put your mouse over it, but also show up like normal footnotes at the bottom of the blog post (with links back and forth between the content and the footnote) for people who are on mobile devices that won't be able to hover. Which is probably the majority of people, these days.

The topic will be very different – it won't be about porn – and the writing style will probably be different too. (I had trouble even writing this little post, because I haven't written here in so long. Look at all that bold text!) I doubt there will even be pictures. It still won't be safe for work, though, so you won't want to read it from the office.

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