April 23, 2014

Misconceptions About Sex

I’ve written before about porn’s impact on us, and how it shapes our views on sex. I’m not the only one thinking about this: it’s not exactly a scientific study, but a thread on reddit asked women what they’d “learned” from porn that turned out to be untrue.

I didn’t read the thread, because I’m lazy, but I read a summary on HuffPo. The HuffPo post listed 11 things that they found particularly disturbing. (My question being: Why 11?) So here are the 11 false impressions about sex that women got from porn that the HuffPo writer wanted to call our attention to:

1. They felt their bodies were abnormal. I can’t blame them for that, though it’s not just porn making them feel like that it’s every female they ever see in the media: magazines, television, movies, hell even female newscasters are smoking hot. I mean think about it: in movies even the “ugly girl” is sexier than most girls you meet in real life – she just has her hair up in a bun and glasses on.

2. They thought all sex focused on guys’ pleasure. Turns out guys in real life think that’s true, too, but yeah, porn definitely promotes it.

3. They thought being “sexy” is a purely physical thing. Even I fall into this, sometimes – both in the way I view women, and in the way I view myself.

4. They thought men don’t like women with hair on their genitals. I have to admit, I personally don’t like women with hair down there. Partially for looks, but mostly because… Well, I don’t like getting hair in my teeth!

5. They thought orgasms should be effortless. I’ve written about this ad nauseum. In fact, I make offhand comments about it on a regular basis. Ladies: Orgasms in real life don’t come nearly as easily as they seem to for pornstarlets. If it takes you a while to get there there’s nothing wrong with you.

6. They thought men only find certain body types attractive. Well… in a way this is true, and it relates back to point 1. Men find certain body types more attractive, but only certain body types are ever promoted by the media.

7. They thought all penises are circumcised, and 8 inches long. I’ve written about circumcision before – how many bloggers can say that? – and it’s true that male penii in porn are always pretty sizable. Ladies, you might be in for some disappointment with some of your lovers. Sorry about that.

8. They thought people actually enjoy the weird positions we see in porn. That’s mostly done for camera angles, not out of pleasure. As long as you’re not being filmed, you don’t have to fuck as if you’re performing for a camera. Luckily for all of us.

9. They thought they had to do all the stuff porn starlets do in order to please their man. Not true. You can, feel free to try all that stuff out, but you can also make him feel good doing missionary with the lights off. Hell, sometimes you can get him off with a simple handjob. Your mileage may vary.

10. They thought men are always willing and ready. Willing, often. Maybe even usually. Though even men are sometimes not in the mood for sex. As for ready… sometimes not so much, regardless if they’re willing.

11. They thought that girls in real life sometimes get bored and decide to have lesbian sex. Much to my dismay, this doesn’t happen very often at all. Women do sometimes have lesbian sex (or at least make out) to turn on the men who are in the room; see point 2.


  1. Your laziness has me laughing out loud...

    I think we all fall into these traps at times - like you, #3 plucks at me in terms of my age, imperfections etc. Sadly, there's many a day I need to remind myself we aren't all air-brushed models and sexual attraction actually begins with the mind, for me at least. (There's nothing as off-putting as a stupid and narrow-minded man.)

    As for the weird positions... How does anyone find them erotic or sexy? I would need a vat of anti-inflammatory gel to slather onto my old creaky body in order to visual said positions!

    On a final note about your "I feel this is a good time to remind my readers that none of the pictures on this site – none of them – are of me." statement... I would have thought this would be in flashing neon considering its placement... ;P

    1. If you take nothing else away from this post, take this with you: That pic wasn't of me!!! :P

      I spend a lot of time feeling bad/guilty for women, because I'm guessing that a lot of these misconceptions are very widely held, and this kind of stuff almost always works out better for the men involved than the women. The time that I don't feel bad/guilty for women I usually spend looking at naughty pictures of them doing filthy things on the internet. They're doing those things to guys who are way better looking than me (but with smaller cocks), but that doesn't tend to bother guys at all. ;)
